Hong Kong Business News


News Article List

Digital Policy Office established



The Digital Policy Office (DPO) has been officially established under the Innovation, Technology & Industry Bureau, the bureau announced today.

Taking the lead in promoting data-driven, people-centric and outcome-based digital policies within the Government and across various sectors for enhancing th...

June exports value up 10.7%



The value of Hong Kong’s total exports increased to $373.5 billion in June, up 10.7% on the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

The value of imports of goods increased 9% to $429.2 billion in the same period.

A trade deficit of $55.7 billion, or 13% of th...

FS wraps up Beijing visit



Financial Secretary Paul Chan concluded his visit to Beijing today by calling on the leadership of various central authorities related to finance and financial services.

Mr Chan met Office of the Central Commission for Financial & Economic Affairs Deputy Director in charge of routine work and Office ...

HK can be ASEAN-GBA connector



A local chamber of commerce believes Hong Kong firms can grow their business in Southeast Asia by leveraging the city’s strengths in integrating various industries in the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

Chief Executive John Lee will visit Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, three members of the Association of Southeas...

‘ASEAN states have key advantages’



President of The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong Wingco Lo, who will travel to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam later this month as part of a delegation led by Chief Executive John Lee, believes opportunities for growth and transformation await Hong Kong businesses in Southeast Asia amid a rapidly ch...

FS bound for Beijing



Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart Hong Kong late this afternoon for Beijing, where he will call on relevant central ministries and institutions to discuss strengthening co-operation and exchange. He will return to Hong Kong on Wednesday evening.

Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury...

June sees 1.5% Inflation



Overall consumer prices rose 1.5% in June, year on year, higher than the 1.2% increase in May, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

Netting out the effects of the Government’s one-off relief measures, underlying inflation was 1%, the same as in May.

Compared with June last year...

I&T opportunities abound in ASEAN



When Chief Executive John Lee visits Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam later this month, Legislative Councillor for the Technology & Innovation Functional Constituency Duncan Chiu will be part of his delegation.

Looking ahead to the visit, Mr Chiu highlighted that the total population of the three countries...

Govt concerned over IT outage



The Government expressed its concern over the massive outage of Microsoft systems today and assigned Deputy Chief Secretary Cheuk Wing-hing to monitor the situation.

The Government said the operation of its systems remains normal and that no incident reports have been received from any departments in rel...

Local firms hit record 1.44m



The Companies Registry today announced that 66,734 local companies were newly registered during the first half of 2024, bringing the total number of registered local companies to 1,440,935, an all-time high figure.

Meanwhile, 501 non-Hong Kong companies have newly established a place of business in the c...

Institutional green bonds issued



The Government today announced the successful offering of approximately HK$25 billion worth of green bonds denominated in renminbi (RMB), US dollars and euros under its Sustainable Bond Programme.

The bonds, which have been assigned credit ratings of AA+ by S&P Global Ratings and AA-...

Stablecoin views released



The Financial Services & the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) today jointly issued the consultation conclusions on the legislative proposal to implement a regulatory regime for fiat-referenced stablecoin (FRS) issuers in Hong Kong.

During the two-month public consult...

Housing sale permitted in cultural hub



The Chief Executive-in-Council yesterday conditionally approved the relaxation of the Enhanced Financial Arrangements for the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) to lift the “Build-Operate-Transfer only” restriction for residential developments within Zone 2 of the cultural district and permit the sale o...

Tapping ASEAN business potential



Chief Executive John Lee will lead a delegation to visit Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam later this month to promote Hong Kong and explore business opportunities.

The Trade Development Council stated that the three countries, all of them in ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), each have signif...

HK I&T talent lauded



The Innovation & Technology Commission held the Reception for I&T Awards 2024 today, where more than 300 representatives from the local innovation and technology (I&T) sector, including academics, scientists, and representatives of institutes and government departments were commended for bringing H...

Govt launches E-commerce Easy



The Government launched E-commerce Easy under the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading & Domestic Sales (BUD Fund) today, with a view to assisting enterprises to develop the Mainland market through e-commerce.

The Trade & Industry Department made the announcement and in addition to expla...

HK-Guangdong conference held



Chief Executive John Lee and Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong co-chaired the 24th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference in Guangzhou today.
The governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong signed several pacts covering exchanges and co-operation in food safety, sustainable dev...

Belt-Road conference held in Beijing



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) and relevant central ministries today held the seventh Joint Conference on Advancing Hong Kong's Full Participation in & Contribution to the Belt & Road Initiative in Beijing.

NDRC Vice...

Business chambers hail travel card



The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (NZCCHK) and the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Hong Kong (FCCIHK) have both eagerly welcomed the implementation of the new Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong & Macao Residents (non-Chinese Citizens) by the Exit & Entry Administration of ...

Views sought on AI copyright issues



The Government today launched a two-month public consultation on enhancing the Copyright Ordinance (CO) with regard to artificial intelligence (AI) technology development.

The consultation document explores issues relating to copyright protection of AI-generated works, copyright infringement liabi...

Cathay to buy back remaining shares



The Government said that it is pleased to note the decision by Cathay Pacific Airways to buy back all of its remaining preference shares.
The Government made the statement in response to Cathay Group's announcement today that it plans to buy back the remaining 50% of its preference shares from the...

'Patent box' tax concession enacted



The Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax Concessions for Intellectual Property Income) Ordinance 2024 has been published in the Gazette.

The amendment ordinance implements the Government’s “patent box” tax incentive, which provides tax concessions for qualifying profits derived from eligible intellectua...

Issuance of travel card welcomed



Three foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong have welcomed the announcement that non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents are eligible to apply for a new Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong & Macao Residents (non-Chinese Citizens).

The national Exit & Entry Administration will start iss...

Opportunities await Hong Kong



I would like to, first of all, thank Phil (Manulife Asia President & Chief Executive Officer Phil Witherington) for bringing up this new card-type travel document, to have great convenience to visit the Mainland. I would like to highlight that it is actually a big policy breakthrough. It may be a step in y...

Govt welcomes deposit bill passage



The Government welcomed the passage of an amendment bill to enhance the Deposit Protection Scheme (DFS) by the Legislative Council today, raising the protection limit from the current $500,000 to $800,000.

Other enhancements to the scheme include refining the levy system to enable the DPS Fund underpinni...

Company re-domiciliation vital for HK



Today, the Financial Services & the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) published the public consultation conclusion and latest legislative proposals for the company re-domiciliation regime. I would like to take this opportunity to share the thinking behind the proposals as well as the highlights therein.


New investment visas granted



The first batch of visa applications under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme were approved in June, the Immigration Department announced today.

Launched on March 1, the new scheme had received 339 applications and over 3,700 enquiries by June 30.

The department approved three applications f...

Hotel tax to be resumed



The Government served a notice to the Legislative Council today to move a resolution under the Hotel Accommodation Tax Ordinance to resume the collection of hotel accommodation tax (HAT).

Under the ordinance, the HAT is imposed on hotel and guesthouse accommodation, and is levied on the accommodation cha...

Govt set for low-altitude economy



The Government is exploring ways to promote low-altitude flying activities and will implement low-altitude economy pilot projects in a gradual and orderly manner, Acting Secretary for Transport & Logistics Liu Chun-san said today.

Replying to lawmakers’ questions at the Legislative Council, Mr Liu ...

InvestHK sees rise in firms assisted



Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) today announced that it assisted 322 Mainland and overseas companies to set up or expand operations in Hong Kong during the first six months of 2024, representing a 43% year-on-year increase.

The total investment brought to the local economy reached HK$38.3 billion, up 6% year...

May retail sales down 11.5%



The value of total retail sales in May, provisionally estimated at $30.5 billion, decreased 11.5% compared with the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

After netting out the effect of price changes over the same period, the provisional estimate of the volume of t...

Trade services discussions conclude



Chief Executive John Lee today welcomed the substantial conclusion of the consultations between the Ministry of Commerce and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government for further liberalisation of trade in services under the Mainland & Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA).<...

Senior officials celebrate July 1



Acting Chief Secretary Cheuk Wing-hing, Deputy Secretary for Justice Cheung Kwok-kwan and Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Erick Tsang celebrated the July 1 holiday by dining at Wan Chai Bowrington Road Cooked Food Centre.
In addition to tasting popular and authentic delicacies ...

Duty-free allowance increased



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today welcomed an increase to the duty-free allowance for Mainland residents entering the Mainland from Hong Kong.

The central government will raise the duty-free allowance for luggage articles brought into the Mainland by Mainland visitors travellin...

Scheme boosts green fintech in HK



The seminar on “Green Fintech: Catalyst for Scaling Sustainable Finance”, which focused on green finance technology, was one of the key events of Hong Kong Green Week held by the Government earlier this year. During the event, the Green & Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group announced the Pr...

Fragrance exhibition opens Jun 28



The Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) will stage an exhibition from tomorrow to October 16 to showcase a selection of 160 precious items about the Chinese fragrance culture in different periods of time, the Leisure & Cultural Services Department announced today.

The “Fragrance of Time - In Search ...

Telemarketing rules strengthened



Twelve trade associations from seven industries together launched the enhanced Industry Regulatory Scheme for Marketing Calls to further expand and strengthen industry regulation of marketing calls today.

The Commerce & Economic Development Bureau and the Office of the Communications Authority jointl...

Telemarketing rule strengthened



Twelve trade associations from seven industries together launched the enhanced Industry Regulatory Scheme for Marketing Calls to further expand and strengthen industry regulation of marketing calls today.

The Commerce & Economic Development Bureau and the Office of the Communications Authority jointl...

May exports value up 14.8%



The value of Hong Kong’s total exports increased to $375.9 billion in May, up 14.8% on the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

The value of imports of goods increased 9.6% to $388.1 billion in the same period.

A trade deficit of $12.1 billion, or 3.1% of ...

HK, Armenia sign tax pact



Hong Kong today signed a comprehensive avoidance of double taxation agreement (CDTA) with Armenia.

Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui said the CDTA is the 50th agreement that Hong Kong has concluded, marking a major milestone in the Hong Kong Special Administrative...

AI the key to HK’s tech devt



The relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and life science is transformative, and holds immense potential to drastically change the pharmaceutical industry and the medical and health sector. Large Language Models, or LLMs, have enabled researchers to decode protein or molecular sequences, generate ...

Inflation at 1.2% in May



Overall consumer prices rose 1.2% in May year-on-year, slightly up from the 1.1% increase in April, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

Netting out the effects of the Government’s one-off relief measures, underlying inflation was 1%, also slightly higher than the 0.9% increase in Ap...

CE attends InvestHK reception



Chief Executive John Lee today welcomed over 400 senior representatives from Mainland and foreign companies at an Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) reception, thanking them for their lasting confidence in Hong Kong’s business environment.

He also called upon them to continue using the city’s global advanta...

Christopher Hui joins Shanghai forum



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui today attended the 2024 Lujiazui Forum and visited a specialist technology firm in Shanghai.

At the forum, Mr Hui addressed the second plenary session, “Strengthening International Monetary Policy Co-ordination & Addressing the Cha...

Market reform takes effect Sept 23



Maintaining trading under severe weather conditions is a key step in enhancing the competitiveness of Hong Kong's market. This reform, being one of the policy initiatives set out in the Policy Address and the Budget as well as a recommendation made by the Task Force on Enhancing Stock Market Liquidity, has won...

Christopher Hui heads for Shanghai



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui will depart for Shanghai tomorrow to attend the 2024 Lujiazui Forum.
During his stay, Mr Hui will also visit a local financial market institution and fintech enterprises.
The Lujiazui Forum is an authoritative financi...

HK ranks 5th in competitiveness



Hong Kong was ranked the fifth most competitive economy by the International Institute for Management Development in its World Competitiveness Yearbook 2024, up two places from last year.

Among the four competitiveness factors, Hong Kong's rankings in business efficiency and infrastructure rose notably a...

Interest in Sandy Ridge site invited



The Innovation, Technology & Industry Bureau and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) today invited expressions of interest (EOI) for the development at Sandy Ridge in North District for innovation and technology and related purposes.

The OGCIO pointed out that a change in t...

AI dog traces source of pollution



With the goal of leveraging technology to enhance work efficiency, the Environmental Protection Department introduced the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Environmental Air Nuisance Investigation Robot Dog to assist the department’s investigators in handling air pollution incidents.

With its capabilities o...

CreateHK restructuring announced



Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau has been restructured as the Cultural & Creative Industries Development Agency (CCIDA) starting today.

The bureau made the announcement today and explained that the goal of restructuring is to proactively promote the development ...

Public services kiosks set up in SZ



The Innovation, Technology & Industry Bureau announced today the setting up of two Hong Kong Cross-boundary Public Services self-service kiosks in Shenzhen.

The self-service kiosks give enterprises and residents in Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area one-stop access to more than 60 Hong Ko...

SZ-HK financial co-op body formed



The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Financial Co-operation Committee was established and convened its first meeting in Hong Kong today.

The committee is co-chaired by Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui and Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Vice-Mayor and Director General of the O...

Online job fair attracts 240k views



Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) co-hosted an online job fair with recruitment platforms in Hong Kong and the Mainland today, with over 240,000 views and over 2,000 job applications submitted online in about two hours.

Delivering the fair's opening remarks, Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun said...

Corporate summer internships start



The Scheme on Corporate Summer Internship on the Mainland & Overseas 2024 began today.

Speaking at the kick off ceremony, Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki said the scheme has been well regarded since its launch in 2018 and has benefitted over 700 Hong Kong youths so far.

He described the scheme as ...

HK payload specialist chosen



Chief Executive John Lee congratulated a Hong Kong payload specialist on being selected as one of the country's fourth batch of preparatory astronauts, after the China Manned Space Agency announced the completion of the recruitment today. 

Mr Lee said it is the first time a Hong Kong Special Admini...

Treasury chief concludes Europe visit



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui yesterday visited Lisbon, Portugal, to meet senior officials and local business leaders there.

Mr Hui met Portuguese Secretary of State for Tax Affairs Cláudia Reis Duarte to exchange views on international tax co-operation.

On th...

Data, facts reflect HK's bright future



The Government today said the remarks by some individuals on Hong Kong's economic and financial development have clearly overlooked the city’s existing advantages and the current positive development momentum and added that it needs to set the record straight.

In a statement, the Government stre...

Christopher Hui visits Spain



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui attended a technology and startup summit in Madrid, Spain, and met the top management of the Spanish stock exchange yesterday.

Mr Hui joined the South Summit in the capital of Spain that brought together some 500 speakers, 120 investment...

CE meets Guangzhou mayor



Chief Executive John Lee today met Guangzhou Municipal Government Mayor Sun Zhiyang to exchange views on deepening Hong Kong's co-operation with Guangzhou.


Cultural co-operation meeting held



The 22nd Greater Pearl River Delta Cultural Cooperation Meeting, co-ordinated by the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau, concluded in Hong Kong today.

During the meeting attended by about 130 officials and representatives of relevant associations, working group meetings, a meeting of culture dep...

Christopher Hui visits the Netherlands



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui has started his visit to the Netherlands by meeting senior financial officials and fintech professionals as well as joining fintech event Money 20/20 Europe.

During the fireside chat "Regulating the Next Wave of Financial Innovation: Les...

APIs launched to draw global talent



The Government today launched a new set of TV Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs) to appeal to talent across professions on the Mainland and overseas to settle in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) said the new APIs feature the city’s vibrant and colourful lifestyle, followed by nine...

City in Time tourism project enhanced



The Tourism Commission today extended the City in Time tourism project to Lei Yue Mun and upgraded its mobile app features simultaneously to enrich the experience of both locals and tourists.

Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung said with the concept of “Tourism is everywhere in Hong...

Govt helps ease retail trade pressure



Various measures implemented by the Government could alleviate the operating pressure on the retail sector and help it further develop businesses, Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau told the Legislative Council today.

Along with a rise in employment earnings, stabilisation of ...

Property sales dip 25.5%



​The Land Registry logged 7,361 sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in May, down 25.5% compared with April but 39.3% higher year-on-year.

The total consideration for such agreements in May dropped 25.8% from April, to $62.3 billion, while a 39.8% year-on-year i...

Hospitality Campaign launched



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today announced the launch of the Hospitality Campaign involving the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Home Affairs Department, the Tourism Board as well as related government bodies, trades and the community.

Mr Yeung ...

Christopher Hui headed for Europe



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui will depart on a visit to the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal tonight, and will return to Hong Kong on June 8.

The visit is aimed at promoting Hong Kong's vibrant fintech scene, as well as Web3-based financial innovation.

Mr Hui wi...

Mainland tourism trade welcomed



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today gave a warm welcome to representatives of the tourism industry and media of the eight cities which were recently added to the Individual Visit Scheme, as they began a visit to Hong Kong.

The eight cities are Taiyuan, Hohhot, Harbin, Lhasa, Lan...

Services funding round opens



The Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme has opened a new round of applications for funding from non-profit-distributing organisations, running from today until August 31.

Eligible organisations include professional bodies, trade and industrial organisations, and research ins...

April retail sales drop 14.7%



The value of total retail sales in April, provisionally estimated at $29.6 billion, was down 14.7% compared with the same month in 2023, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

After netting out the effect of price changes over the same period, the provisional estimate of the volume of to...

Paul Chan tours US tech firms



Financial Secretary Paul Chan yesterday concluded his visit to the US by visiting two technology companies in Silicon Valley.

One of the companies recycles plastic materials. Mr Chan toured their research and development (R&D) facilities to learn about their patented technologies.

He also intro...

FS attends Bay to Bay Dialogue



On day two of his visit in the US, Financial Secretary Paul Chan took part in a dialogue between the California Bay Area and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and a function on climate action in Berkeley, California.
Mr Chan is leading a delegation of the Hong Kong Special Administrat...

CE welcomes Thai PM



Chief Executive John Lee today met Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin who is in Hong Kong again after his last visit in October last year.

Welcoming the prime minister, Mr Lee noted that Hong Kong and Thailand have frequent economic and trade exchanges.

Thailand is Hong Kong's fourth-largest trad...

FS begins US visit



Financial Secretary Paul Chan yesterday began a visit to the US, where he delivered a keynote speech at a business lunch and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Invest Hong Kong and partners in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The lunch was co-organised by the Hong K...

Tenements rating system revised



The progressive rating system for domestic tenements will be implemented as proposed in the 2022-23 Budget and take effect from the fourth quarter of 2024-25 onwards, the Government announced today.

The Rating (Amendment) Bill 2024 will be published in the Gazette on May 31 and introduced into the Legisl...

Innotech research pacts signed



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong today witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by 24 university research teams for projects participating in the RAISe+ Scheme.

They are the first batch of projects joining the RAISe+ Scheme. The total funding a...

More HK firms to use AI: CE



I welcome this opportunity to update this powerful audience on Hong Kong, where we are today, and where we plan to be tomorrow and in the time ahead.

First, my congratulations to UBS for hosting the 27th Asian Investment Conference here in Hong Kong. Some 3,000 prominent leaders of global family offices,...

Visit scheme extension begins



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung visited the Tourism Board’s Hong Kong International Airport Visitor Centre today, as the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) was extended to cover eight more Mainland cities.

The eight cities are Taiyuan, Hohhot, Harbin, Lhasa, Lanzhou, Xining...

CE meets maritime leaders



Chief Executive John Lee today met International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary-General Arsenio Antonio Domínguez Velasco and International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Secretary General Guy Platten.

Welcoming the two international maritime leaders and their teams to Hong Kong, Mr Lee stre...

Kevin Yeung meets games athletes



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today visited the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) to learn about Hong Kong athletes’ preparations for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

Accompanied by the Commissioner for Sports Sam Wong, Mr Yeung toured the fencing h...

FS briefed on smart airports



Financial Secretary Paul Chan called on Groupe ADP’s Innovation Hub, toured VivaTech 2024 and visited the Théâtre National de Chaillot during his trip to Paris, France.

Joined by Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong and Under Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Af...

Sha Tau Kok working group mtg held



The first meeting of the Working Group for Sha Tau Kok Co-operation Zone under the Task Force for Collaboration on the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy was held in Shenzhen today.
Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung and Yantian District Mayor Deng Feibo, leading delegat...

Sun Dong attends tech expo in Paris



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong today attended VivaTech 2024 in Paris, France, giving the attendees an update on Hong Kong's ever-growing startup scene.
In his keynote speech at a seminar themed "How Global Startups Succeed in Asia through Hong Kong's Innovation E...

HK an ideal entry point to GBA: FS



Financial Secretary Paul Chan today promoted the enormous business opportunities brought by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) for European businesses to over 400 French and European leaders of commercial and industrial sectors at a conference in Paris.
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Ma...

Govt expresses concerns on UK case



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau today met the Deputy Consul-General of the UK in Hong Kong on the incident regarding the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (ETO) in London.

In a statement, the Commerce & Economic Development Bureau said that as the UK Consul-General ...

Sun Dong begins visit to Belgium



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong yesterday began his visit to Brussels, Belgium, where he met European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education & Youth Iliana Ivanova.

Prof Sun pointed out that it was the first time in recent years that a principal of...

April sees 1.1% inflation



Overall consumer prices rose 1.1% in April year-on-year, smaller than the 2% increase in March, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

Netting out the effects of the Government’s one-off relief measures, the underlying inflation rate was 0.9%, also smaller than March's 1% increase.


Kevin Yeung attends tourism summit



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung, at the Ministry of Culture & Tourism’s invitation, attended the 14th China-US Tourism Leadership Summit held in Xi’an today and spoke at a thematic seminar session.

Noting that Hong Kong has been an important gateway for visitors from the U...

Passage of tax relief bill welcomed



The Government welcomed the passage of the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax Concessions and Two-tiered Standard Rates) Bill 2024 by the Legislative Council today.

The bill gives effect to the Government's proposals announced in the 2024-25 Budget and the 2023 Policy Address, which includes reducing salari...

FS to visit France, US



Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart today on visits to Paris, France, and to California, in the US, and will return to Hong Kong on June 1.

In Paris, Mr Chan will attend the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area & Europe (France) Economic & Trade Cooperation Conference, the o...

HK to host 210 mega events in '24



(To watch the full press conference with sign language interpretation, click here.)

More than 100 mega events will be held in Hong Kong in the second half of 2024, which will bring the total number of mega events in the city to at least 210 this year.

Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong ...

Youth get financial planning support



The kick-off ceremony of the Youth Financial Education Programme, launched by the Home & Youth Affairs Bureau and the Investor & Financial Education Council, was held today.

It was announced in the 2023 Policy Address that the Government would launch a pilot scheme to provide young people with fi...

Tech chief to visit Belgium, France



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry (SITI) Prof Sun Dong will depart tonight for a visit to Belgium and France to strengthen the city’s ties and co-operation in innovation and technology (I&T) with the European Union and France.

In Paris, Prof Sun will attend VivaTech 2024, Europe...

Kevin Yeung heading to Xi'an



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung will depart for Xi’an, Shaanxi Province this afternoon to attend a high-level tourism-related meeting.

Mr Yeung will return to Hong Kong on May 22. During his absence, Under Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Raistlin Lau will be Acting S...

Alert issued on fake messages



The Commerce & Economic Development Bureau today alerted the public to fraudulent WhatsApp messages purportedly sent by the Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development (SCED).

The bureau and SCED have no connection with the fraudulent messages which have been reported to Police.

Citizens ...

Free trade area a worthy goal



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau called on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation member economies to reaffirm the goal of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) to fulfil the promise of shared prosperity.
Mr Yau made the call while speaking at a session on the FT...

Algernon Yau joins APEC session



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau delivered a speech at the "Trade Liberalisation: World Trade Organization (WTO)" session at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting in Arequipa, Peru.


During such discourse, Mr Yau shared his...

HK-Peru trade deal nears completion



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau and Peru’s Minister of Foreign Trade & Tourism Galdo Marín have jointly announced the substantial conclusion of negotiations over a free trade agreement (FTA) between Hong Kong and Peru.

They made the announcement in a meetin...

Film pact signed at Cannes



Leading a Hong Kong film industry delegation at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, in France, Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung yesterday attended the signing ceremony for a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on film and television co-operation between Create Hong Kong and France’s Centre na...

HK expands e-CNY pilot



The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the People's Bank of China (PBoC) today expanded the scope of the e-CNY pilot in Hong Kong to facilitate the set up and use of e-CNY wallets by Hong Kong residents.

At a press briefing this afternoon, the authority explained that the e-CNY will provide an addit...

Tourism chief meets trade reps



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today met representatives from the tourism, hotel, aviation, catering and retail sectors to discuss how to enhance the speed and quality of the tourism industry's development.

They also exchanged views on tourism marketing strategies and the promoti...

Swap Connect scheme enhanced



The People's Bank of China, the Securities & Futures Commission and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority today issued a joint announcement on a series of measures to enhance the mutual access arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong interest rate swap markets (Swap Connect).

The Hong Kong S...

Algernon Yau to depart for Peru



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau will depart for Arequipa, Peru tomorrow to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting.

During the two-day meeting, which will be held on May 17 and 18, Mr Yau and trade ministers from other mem...

US consul's remarks rejected



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today said it strongly deplored and opposed the biased remarks about the situation in the Hong Kong SAR made by US Consul General to Hong Kong Gregory May at a forum recently held by a US think tank.

It also rejected Mr May’s slanders and smears ag...

Kevin Yeung begins Beijing trip



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung began his Beijing itinerary yesterday by meeting State Council Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office Director Xia Baolong.

Mr Yeung introduced the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau's (CSTB) latest work to Mr Xia who fully recognised its work and e...

Sun Dong meets top Beijing official



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong visited the State Council Macao Affairs Office and Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) in Beijing today.

Prof Sun updated State Council Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office Director Xia Baolong on the latest situation of Hong Kong'...

5G network capacity enhanced



The fifth generation mobile services (5G) radio base stations (RBSs) at the Convention & Exhibition Centre (CEC), AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) and near Victoria Park have been activated, the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) announced today.

The OFCA pointed out that four mobile network oper...

Bay area talent forum held



A talent development conference was held in Hong Kong today to promote the building of a talent hub in the Greater Bay Area as well as strengthen talent development and co-operation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

Jointly organised by the three places, the Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater B...

Sun Dong to visit Beijing



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong will depart for a visit to Beijing today.

During his stay in Beijing, Prof Sun will call on the State Council's Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office, the Ministry of Science & Technology, and the Beijing Municipal Government.


HK’s role as talent hub reinforced



Welcome to Hong Kong. And welcome to the inaugural Global Talent Summit organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government.

And what an inaugural summit this is, with three high-powered, talent-driven events over these next two days: today's International Talent Forum, tomorrow's G...

Talent policy working, says Chris Sun



Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun said today that the Government has made a very good start in attracting talent to Hong Kong through talent admission schemes.

Speaking to the media, Mr Sun highlighted that over the past year and a half around 120,000 individuals have come to Hong Ko...

FS attends ADB annual meeting



Financial Secretary Paul Chan attended the opening session of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Plenary Session of Governors during his trip to Tbilisi, Georgia.

Yesterday morning, Mr Chan met Ministry of Finance Vice Minister Liao Min who was a...

FS meets Georgian finance minister



On day two of his visit in Tbilisi, Georgia, Financial Secretary Paul Chan joined the constituency meeting of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and met Georgia’s Minister of Finance.

During his meeting with Georgia’s Minister of Finance Lasha Khutsi...

CE approves HKEX chairmanship



The Chief Executive has approved the appointment of Carlson Tong as Chairman of the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Limited (HKEX) with immediate effect.

Mr Tong was elected HKEX Chairman by the directors at a board meeting on April 24. The Chief Executive granted approval under the Securiti...

FS meets ADB President



Financial Secretary Paul Chan arrived in Georgia yesterday afternoon for the 57th annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which runs until May 5, and met the bank’s President Masatsugu Asakawa.

They exchanged views on various issues including the region...

March retail sales drop 7%



The value of total retail sales in March, provisionally estimated at $31.2 billion, was down 7% compared with the same month in 2023, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

After netting out the effect of price changes over the same period, the provisional estimate of the volum...

Better deposit protection proposed



An amendment bill to enhance the Deposit Protection Scheme (DPS) by raising the protection limit from the current $500,000 to $800,000 was published in the Government Gazette today.

The Deposit Protection Scheme (Amendment) Bill 2024 also aims to strengthen the protection for depositors, maintain banking...

eMPF Platform to launch next month



The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority today announced that the eMPF Platform will be launched on June 26.

At a media briefing, the authority’s Chairperson Ayesha Macpherson Lau said that the platform will reduce the administration costs of MPF schemes, directly benefiting scheme members...

2.44m tax returns issued



The Inland Revenue Department today sent out about 2.44 million tax returns for individuals.
Taxpayers should file their tax returns by June 3. For sole proprietors of unincorporated businesses, a three-month period is allowed and the filing deadline is August 2. Those filing via eTAX will have an...

Labour Day fireworks light up HK



Presented by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, a stunning ten-minute pyrotechnic display illuminated Victoria Harbour this evening near Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade to celebrate the start of the Mainland’s Labour Day Golden Week holiday.

The fireworks were launched at about 130 metres from the shore and reached ...

FS to attend ADB session in Georgia



Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart for Tbilisi, Georgia to attend the 57th annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on May 2, before returning to Hong Kong on May 6.

Mr Chan will meet ADB President Masatsugu Asakawa and other senior bank officials, as well as fi...

HK updating tax jurisdictions



The Government announced today that based on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development's (OECD) recommendation, Hong Kong is amending the lists of jurisdictions on automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters (AEOI) under the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

This involve...

Mortgage loans up 6.2%



The value of residential mortgage loans approved in March was $19.1 billion, a 6.2% increase compared with February, the Monetary Authority announced today.

Mortgage loans financing primary market transactions rose 27% to $6.8 billion, while those financing secondary market transactions dipped 2.7% to $9...

Tourist attractions inspected



Commissioner for Tourism Vivian Sum, joined by the Travel Industry Authority representatives, visited the Palace Museum and the Garden Road Peak Tram Station today, to check on the preparatory work for the Labour Day Golden Week holiday.

They reviewed the preparatory work for receiving visitors implement...

Treasury chief attends Beijing forum



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui attended the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Fintech Parallel Forum in Beijing today.

Mr Hui also called on CPC Central Committee Hong Kong & Macao Work Office Director and State Council Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office Director Xia Baol...

Longer business visit days welcomed



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government welcomes today's announcement by Mainland authorities that Mainland residents who travel to Hong Kong with an exit endorsement for a business visit will be able to stay for up to 14 days per visit starting May 6.
The Mainland authorities also ...

Christopher Hui to attend BJ forum



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui will depart for Beijing tomorrow to attend the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Fintech Parallel Forum on April 29.
Organised by the Haidian District People’s Government and the Xicheng District People's Government, the parallel forum in...

HK to become IP trading hub: FS



At a reception hosted by the Intellectual Property Department to celebrate World Intellectual Property (IP) Day today, Financial Secretary Paul Chan said the Government is pursuing a number of initiatives to promote the development of Hong Kong into a regional IP trading centre.

The initiatives include g...

HK-Shanghai links strengthened



Chief Executive John Lee and Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng, leading delegations of the governments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shanghai, held the Sixth Plenary Session of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference in Hong Kong today.

Mr Lee said that the Hong Kong/Shanghai C...

Grant scheme extended



The Government and the Securities & Futures Commission today announced details of the extension of the Grant Scheme for Open-ended Fund Companies & Real Estate Investment Trusts.

Implemented by the SFC, the extended grant scheme will be open for applications from May 10.

To further a...

HK, Shanghai boost financial ties



Representatives of the governments, financial regulators and exchanges of Hong Kong and Shanghai held the ninth Working Meeting of Hong Kong-Shanghai Financial Co-operation in Hong Kong today to discuss how the two places could enhance financial co-operation.

Secretary for Financial Services & the Tr...

March exports value up 4.7%



The value of Hong Kong’s total exports increased to $384.5 billion in March, up 4.7% on the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

The value of imports of goods increased 5.3% to $429.5 billion in the same period.

A trade deficit of $45 billion, or 10.5% of ...

APEC business meeting held in HK



Chief Executive John Lee today hosted a welcome dinner for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council (ABAC) delegates attending the second 2024 ABAC Meeting in Hong Kong.

Speaking at the dinner, Mr Lee highlighted the commitment of Hong Kong, China, to the Asia-Pacific Economic Coop...

CareerConnect Expo set for May



The CareerConnect Expo will be held on May 7 and 8 in the Convention & Exhibition Centre concurrently with the Global Talent Summit · Hong Kong, offering quality job information and tailored solutions for settling in the city.

Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) welcomes talent who are interested in comi...

HK economy solid, growing: FS



I have great pleasure to meet you all at the second meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) this year. This remarkable event gathers nearly 200 business leaders, representing the voice of all 21 APEC member economies.

First, let me express my sincere gratitude to the representatives of ABAC ...

Inflation at 2% in March



Overall consumer prices rose 2% in March year-on-year, slightly up from the average 1.9% rate of increase for January and February, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

Netting out the effects of the Government’s one-off relief measures, underlying inflation was 1%, also sl...

HK shines at invention event



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong today congratulated the Hong Kong delegation to the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva on its success at the event.

The delegation was awarded a record high number of more than 350 prizes, including six Special Awards, 2...

Kevin Yeung views artworks



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today visited Ambassador for Cultural Promotion Xu Bing's art exhibition at the Venice Biennale in Venice, Italy.

He also met Hong Kong artists who are exhibiting their artworks in Venice, as well as local cultural and artistic partners in Italy, to...

Market access measures welcomed



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government warmly welcomed the measures announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) today to further expand mutual access between the capital markets of the Mainland and Hong Kong.

The measures include: expanding the eligible product scope of...

HK can help mainland firms thrive: FS



Financial Secretary Paul Chan concluded his trip to Suzhou today by visiting an enterprise that engages in in hydrogen power technology.

Apart from viewing the venture’s fuel cell system and its product assembly and testing facilities, Mr Chan met its representatives to learn about the firm’s plans t...

Chinese culture festival set



The inaugural Chinese Culture Festival (CCF) will be held from June to September, presenting various performing arts programmes and extension activities for the public and visitors to experience the broad and profound Chinese culture. 

Addressing the CCF's programme parade today, Secretary fo...

FS tours Hangzhou, Suzhou



Financial Secretary Paul Chan today met Communist Party of China (CPC) officials and visited research and development (R&D) companies in Hangzhou and Suzhou on day two of his Mainland trip.

In the morning, Mr Chan met CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee Deputy Secretary and CPC Hangzhou Municipal Commi...

I&T park's partners help attract talent



I am delighted to be here with you today, for the Partnership Launching Ceremony of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation & Technology (I&T) Park.

This morning's ceremony is a milestone in the development of the I&T park - one that resonates far beyond the park's reach, along Hong Kong's boundary...

I&T park signs partnership pacts



The Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation & Technology Park Limited (HSITPL) today signed memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with some 60 partners from nine economies.

Chief Executive John Lee, Acting Financial Secretary Michael Wong and Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong attend...

FS begins Hangzhou trip



Financial Secretary Paul Chan began his visit to Hangzhou today by attending a seminar on Hong Kong serving as a multinational supply chain management centre for Mainland enterprises, and touring innovation and technology enterprises.

At the seminar co-organised by Invest Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Econ...

Kevin Yeung to visit Venice



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung will depart for Venice, Italy, in the early morning of April 19 to officiate at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong exhibition at the Venice Biennale.

While there, he will visit the China pavilion and pavilions of other regions.

The Hong Kon...

Govt prepares for holiday arrivals



The Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau today convened a meeting to follow up on the preparatory work by various departments for the arrival of visitors to Hong Kong during the Mainland's Labour Day Golden Week, including crowd control management.

The meeting was chaired by Secretary for Culture, Sports...

FS to visit Hangzhou, Suzhou



Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart on a visit to Hangzhou and Suzhou tomorrow, and will return to Hong Kong on April 19.

During the visit, he will tour innovation and technology enterprises engaged in artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, biotechnology, new energy and new mate...

8 lease modifications recorded in Q1



The Lands Department today announced that it registered eight lease modifications and two land exchanges in the Land Registry during the quarter ending March 2024, adding that two were technical changes involving no premium.

Of the land transactions, three are located on Hong Kong Island, five ...

US, Canada remarks condemned



The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly condemned the US and Canada for smearing the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under the pretext of foreign travel advice updates.

The so-called travel advice claimed that the risks of travelling to Hong Kong would increase afte...

Seamless connectivity for villages



People usually find rural life a good way to kick back and spend time at a leisurely pace. But to keep up with the pace of modern technology, the copper-based network villagers once relied on for basic telecommunications services has fallen short.

This is why the Government implemented the the Subsid...

Govt showcases tech solutions



At the second edition of the InnoEX which started today, over 100 technology solutions, including those developed by government departments, are being showcased at the Smart Hong Kong Pavilion set up by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO).

Through interactive experience...

Christopher Hui wraps up US visit



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui met businesspeople and university scholars in Chicago yesterday, as he continued his visit to the US.

Mr Hui started the day by attending a breakfast seminar co-hosted by the Hong Kong Business Association of the Midwest and th...

HK has multi-pronged digital strategy



The digital economy has clearly emerged as a new driving force for global economic development. From digital payments to generative AI (artificial intelligence), data are rapidly changing how businesses operate and thrive, how cities are managed – and,  ultimately, how we work, learn and live.


CE meets Singaporean Deputy PM



Chief Executive John Lee today met visiting Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies of Singapore Heng Swee Keat.

Mr Lee said he was pleased to see Mr Heng in Hong Kong after they previously met in July last year, when Mr Lee visited Singapore.

He sa...

Global talent summit set for May



Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) announced today that the Global Talent Summit · Hong Kong will be held on May 7 and 8 at the Convention & Exhibition Centre.

The Chief Executive set out in the 2023 Policy Address that a summit would be organised to promote regional exchanges and co-operation in talent...

Innotech body meets



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong chaired the fourth meeting of the Committee on Innovation, Technology & Industry Development today.

At the meeting, members shared their views and suggestions on major initiatives related to the purview of the Innovation, Technology &a...

Philanthropic hub vision promoted



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui promoted Hong Kong’s goal of turning the city into a major international philanthropic centre on day two of his trip to the US city of New York on April 9.

In the morning, he met Founder of Bloomberg LP & Bloomberg Philanthropies M...

Urban forestry forum opens



The Hong Kong 2024 International Urban Forestry Conference opened at the Science Park today, bringing about 20 speakers from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas together to share their insights on various key topics related to urban forestry.

Organised by the Development Bureau with the theme “Green M...

New investment scheme favoured



The New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme has seen a good response since its launch on March 1, recording double-digit applications and over 1,600 enquiries, Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) announced today.

InvestHK pointed out that the applications were from high-net-worth individuals of different na...

Christopher Hui begins New York trip



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui began his visit to New York yesterday where he met leaders of financial and business institutions and addressed a reception with the Hong Kong community there.

While meeting Global Chief Economist of S&P Global Ratings Paul Gruenwald...

Christopher Hui to visit US



Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui will today begin a visit to the US, where he will meet and update representatives of the US business and academic communities on Hong Kong’s financial services sector.

The trip, which will involve stops in New York and Chicag...

Incentives spur tourism innovation



A special themed day tour taken recently by a group of European tourists in Hong Kong offers a flavour of the itineraries currently on offer to visitors.

Besides taking the Peak Tram to admire the Hong Kong skyline from above, they also visited the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter and took a boat ride.


Pop culture festival opens Apr 6



The second Hong Kong Pop Culture Festival organised by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department will open tomorrow, presenting over 20 programmes spanning across literature, various art forms and martial arts.

Themed "Arts & Action", this year's festival will take audiences on a j...

Business of I&T Week set



The Business of Innovation & Technology Week (BIT Week) will be held in April, the Innovation, Technology & Industry Bureau announced today.

Highlight events include the Digital Economy Summit, the InnoEX and the inaugural Hong Kong World Youth Science Conference.

Secretary for Innov...

Property sales rise 57.2%



The Land Registry logged 5,013 sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in March, up 57.2% compared with February and 41.7% lower year-on-year.

The total consideration for such agreements in March rose 65.5% from February, to $37.4 billion, while a 45.7% year-on-year ...

Feb retail sales up 1.9%



The value of total retail sales in February, provisionally estimated at $33.8 billion, rose 1.9% compared with the same month in 2023, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

After netting out the effect of price changes over the same period, the provisional estimate of the volume of tota...

Transhipment scheme extended



Customs today extended the Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme to cover transhipment cargo from the Mainland to Singapore via Hong Kong.

The scheme's scope of service originally covered the cargo of 67 economies under 19 trade agreements signed between the Mainland and its trading partn...

Multisensory show launched in TST



Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today attended the launch ceremony of Voyage with Van Gogh, an “Art@Harbour 2024” project being staged at the Cultural Centre Piazza from now until May 31.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr Yeung said the Leisure & Cultural Services Departm...

CS concludes Hainan visit



Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki concluded his visit to Hainan today by attending the opening plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 and the Hainan-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs' Luncheon.

The theme of this year's forum is “Asia & the World: Common Challenges, Shared Responsibilities” an...

Mortgage loans down 15%



The value of residential mortgage loans approved in February was $17.9 billion, a 15% drop compared with January, the Monetary Authority announced today.

Mortgage loans financing primary market transactions decreased 15% to $5.3 billion, while those financing secondary market transactions dipped 15.2% to...

CS speaks at Boao thematic forum



Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki today attended the Global Free Trade Ports Development Forum at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 in Hainan, and exchanged views with Hainan Governor Liu Xiaoming and leaders from overseas.

At the ports development forum, Mr Chan stressed that Hong Kong is a stau...

Charitable plan unveiled at summit



The second edition of the Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit concluded today with the launch of "Impact Link", a philanthropic initiative helping family offices and asset owners to make informed decisions on charity projects.

Announcing the Impact Link’s launch during the event's gala dinner, Financia...

Kevin Yeung meets SG official



Mr Yeung briefed Mr Tong on the latest developments in Hong Kong’s cultural and sports policies. They spoke about promoting culture and supporting sports, and explored opportunities for collaboration.


He said that Hong Kong is striving to set up a platform for...

Unwavering support for family offices



You are the decision-makers and high-profile professionals driving family offices all over the world, coming all the way from different parts of Asia, the Middle East, North America, Europe, and beyond. And you are here these next few days to learn more about Hong Kong. About why Hong Kong is the preeminent ch...

HK prepares for visitor arrivals



The Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau today convened a meeting to co-ordinate preparations for visitor arrivals to Hong Kong during the Mainland's Labour Day Golden Week from May 1 to 5.

The meeting was hosted by Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung, with representatives from the Custom...

Feb exports value down 0.8%



The value of Hong Kong’s total exports decreased to $284.1 billion in February, down 0.8% on the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

The value of imports of goods fell 1.8% to $325.7 billion for the same period.

A trade deficit of $41.7 billion, or 12.8% ...

Sustainability disclosure vision set



The Government today issued a vision statement on developing Hong Kong’s sustainability disclosure ecosystem.

Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui said accurate information is an essential element in facilitating green and sustainable financial services.

HK backs sustainability reporting: CE



It is a great pleasure to be here, to have this welcome opportunity to speak to you, at the opening of the One Earth Summit.

The theme of this global gathering, “Planetary Crossroads: Investing in Innovations for a Sustainable Future”, highlights the importance of the challenges we face. For each and...

Govt condemns biased US remarks



The Security Bureau today strongly condemned the unfounded and biased remarks made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, which deliberately misled the public and smeared the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

The bureau issued a statement to set the record straight, adding that it is incontrove...

HK ranks 4th in global finance index



Hong Kong maintained fourth place in the Global Financial Centres Index 35 Report published today by the UK's Z/Yen and the China Development Institute from Shenzhen.

The Government said under the “one country, two systems” principle, Hong Kong enjoys the unique advantages of being backed by the moth...

20 building plans approved in Jan



The Buildings Department approved 20 building plans in January - eight on Hong Kong Island, seven in Kowloon and five in the New Territories.

Of the approved plans, 13 were for apartment and apartment-commercial developments, four were for commercial developments, and three were for community services de...

Feb sees 2.1% inflation



Overall consumer prices rose 2.1% in February year-on-year, larger than the increase registered in January, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

Netting out the effects of the Government’s one-off relief measures, the underlying inflation rate was 1.2%, also higher than January.


25 strategic enterprises come to HK



The Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES) today held the OASES Partnership Signing Ceremony and welcomed a new batch of strategic enterprises to set up or expand their businesses in Hong Kong.

At the ceremony witnessed by Chief Executive John Lee and Financial Secretary Paul Chan, 25 str...

FS welcomes strategic enterprises



Allow me to congratulate you on choosing Hong Kong to expand your business in this region. Whether you are setting up a global R&D (research and development) centre or regional headquarters, rolling out new trade, or developing Web3 payment services or production facilities for green and low-carbon co...

CS chairs human resources meeting



Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki today chaired the third meeting of the third-term Human Resources Planning Commission.

Representatives of Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE) and the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES) briefed members on their achievements in trawling for talent, enterprises and i...

Study shows HK a wealth hub: Govt



A Deloitte market study commissioned by Invest Hong Kong estimates that the city has more than 2,700 single-family offices. 

The study predicts that with Invest Hong Kong’s support and favourable policy measures from the Government, Hong Kong will rise to become the world’s premier centre...

City I&T challenge launched



The second City I&T Grand Challenge was launched today, inviting all sectors of the community to put forward innovative solutions from April 5 to May 16 to enhance the experience of nature and create a caring society in Hong Kong.

Organised by the Innovation & Technology (I&T) Commissi...

AI contest winners commended



The award presentation ceremony for the "Innovative Application with AI" Innovation Competition was held today.

The "Improving communications through generative sign language" project won the grand award, while the "AI Environmental Air Nuisance Investigation Robot Dog" project was first runner-up and th...

New valuation list and rent roll ready



The 2024-25 Valuation List & Government Rent Roll will be available for inspection from March 18 to May 31.

They list and roll can be inspected at the Rating & Valuation Department, located at the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 15/F, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon. They are also available <...

Art@Harbour 2024 to start Mar 25



The large-scale outdoor art project “Art@Harbour 2024” will be launched on March 25, bringing a new inspirational and sensory experience at the Victoria harbourfront through outdoor art installations and digital art facades.

Featuring the integration of art, science, and technology, the art pr...

Entrant scheme response positive



Following the fruitful result of the inaugural Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit in March last year, the second summit is set to return on the 27th of this month. This exclusive event is part of the Financial Mega Event Week in March, designed to gather asset owners and family office managers around the glob...

Treasury Building officially opens



Financial Secretary Paul Chan opened the Treasury Building today, marking the official commissioning of the new office building.

Located at 3 Tonkin Street West in Cheung Sha Wan, the Treasury Building is close to MTR Cheung Sha Wan and Nam Cheong stations and served by bus and minibus services nearby.

Cargo clearance scheme launched



Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau today officiated at the launch ceremony of a scheme that aims to avoid duplication of inspections by customs authorities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.

The first batch of transshipment cargo was successfully delivered to the Macau clearan...

CE celebrates Women’s Day



Chief Executive John Lee and his wife Janet Lee officiated at a reception held by the Home & Youth Affairs Bureau and Women’s Commission (WoC) to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 today.

It was attended by WoC members, and representatives from women’s groups, non-governmental organisatio...

FS reviews fire services recruits



Financial Secretary Paul Chan today reviewed the Fire Services passing-out parade for 10 station officers, 99 firemen and 33 ambulancemen at the Fire & Ambulance Services Academy.

Speaking at the parade, in addition to commending members of the Fire Services Department for their dedicated efforts...

Mega events group meets



Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong today hosted a Mega Events Coordination Group meeting on enhancing the publicity of major events and the efforts in promoting mega events in the city.

Chaired by Mr Wong, with Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung as deputy, the group aims to stre...

Tech chief visits Abu Dhabi



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong and a delegation from the innovation and technology (I&T) industry began their visit to Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.

Their morning schedule included a tour of Masdar City, which is a business and research and development hub wi...

Financial mega events set



The Government today announced that Financial Mega Event Week will be held in the last week of March, with a series of top-tier international conferences and exhibitions to take place in the city.

The event will feature three world-class financial summits - the Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit (WGHK) ...

Sun Dong visits UAE



Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong today continued a visit to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with a delegation of representatives from the innovation and technology (I&T) industry.

Prof Sun and the delegation attended a business lunch, hosted by the Ho...

Latest Business News


Monetary chief reappointed  26-7-2024


Financial Secretary Paul Chan today announced the reappointment of Eddie Yue as Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA...

CE to visit 3 ASEAN states  26-7-2024


Chief Executive John Lee will lead a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region delegation on a visit to three Association o...

'HK can leverage strengths in ASEAN'  25-7-2024


Hong Kong can leverage its unique advantages under “one country, two systems” to grow its business in Southeast Asia....

ASEAN an ideal production base  25-7-2024


Chief Executive John Lee will lead a delegation to visit three member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation...